Address Address Form3 Label1 &Street: TextStreet Label2 C&ity: TextCity Label3 St&ate: TextState Label4 &Zip Code: TextZipCode Label5 &Telephone: TextTelephone Label6 &Fax: TextFax CommandOK CommandCancel &Cancel CommandOK_Click Address CommandCancel_Click TextCity TextStreet TextState TextZipCode TextTelephone szAppName addressrec szStreet szCity# szState szZip szTelephone szFax TextFax nAddressReturn RETURN_OK RETURN_CANCEL Form_Click Form_Load nAddressMode MODE_UPDATE Caption MODE_ADD CommandOK_Click Check the input fields Invalid Street Name! Invalid City!" Invalid State! Invalid Zip Code!" Load the global address structurec Set the global address form return value CommandCancel_Click Set the global address form return value Form_Load If add mode, set the form caption Add Address" If update mode, set caption and field values Update Address